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Poker Room – Great Canadian Toronto – ZH





GCE Poker Logo


准备好加入战局了吗?我们欢迎随时报名参战,并且全天候24小时开放,只为满足您征服牌桌的渴望。战场就设在二楼的 Grandstand 赌场,等待勇士们的挑战


Great Canadian Casino Resort Toronto Hotel


在激战前还是胜利后,在一个完美的休息基地来养精蓄锐或开庆功宴。免费的高速上网 Wi-Fi 随时供您差遣

Slot Machine



Delicious Burger and a Beer



在多伦多大加拿大赌场度假村参与现场扑克游戏。 一系列实时扑克游戏正在进行中,您的席位正在等待中!

Live Games

要将您的名字添加到我们的候选名单中,最简单方便的方法是下载  Poker Atlas App.

*九十 (90) 分钟后仍未签到的注册球员将自动从系统中删除。

Current Live Games
Current Waiting Lists


所有开放的牌局都发布在我们 Great Canadian Casino Resort Toronto 网站的扑克网页。请关注以获得最新信息




1/3、2/5、5/10及10/20 无限注.

20/40 奥马哈半杀限注游戏.

2/2 & 5/5 底池限注奥马哈.





前往位于二楼 Grandstand Casino 赌场的扑克服务台领取寻呼机。有空位时,寻呼机会马上通知您。在等候期间,享受在 Great Canadian Toronto 娱乐度假村各式各样的娱乐设施.




Bad Beat Poker Logo


详情参看 常见问题.





仅在 Great Canadian Toronto 娱乐度假村提供.





仅在 Great Canadian Toronto 娱乐度假村提供.





在 Great Canadian Toronto 娱乐度假村、Pickering 娱乐度假村、Great Blue Heron 赌场、及Elements Casino Brantford 赌场提供。



Great Canadian Toronto 娱乐度假村承诺为我们的顾客提供专业的扑克体验,因此为了尊重玩家和团队成员,我们不会容忍以下行为.

  • 与其他玩家勾结或任何形式的作弊
  • 对其他玩家或职员作出言语或身体威胁
  • 歧视或骚扰
  • 使用任何污言秽语、冒犯性或淫秽语言
  • 过度争吵、喊叫或其他被认为令人不安的言语或身体行为
  • 投掷、撕扯、折叠或任何形式损坏扑克牌
  • 毁坏或污损设施
  • 拒绝接受扑克经理做出的最终决定
  • 牌局进行期间,在牌桌只限用英语交流。
  • 允许在牌桌使用手机 :
    • 玩家有手牌时禁止使用手机。
    • 在游戏桌任何时间不能用手机通话。
    • 确保手机静音,避免影响他人,保持游戏环境的专注与宁静。
    • 确保手机静音,避免影响他人,保持游戏环境的专注与宁静。
  • 玩家有手牌时不可使用智能手表。
  • 可以使用耳机,但玩家必须负责专注于牌局的进程。
    • 如无法跟进牌局的进程,玩家可能会被要求除下一个或两个耳机。
  • 如果该场比赛有候补名单,错过2个大盲注的玩家将失去座位。
  • 无翻牌无抽水。翻牌后最低抽水$2。
  • 玩家在换桌时必须带随全部筹码.
  • 换桌必须立即进行 — 换桌后,选手必须发帖。
  • 如果玩家换座时移动超过三个座位(“跳过”两位参与中的玩家)远离大盲位,则必须补大盲。如果不愿补大盲,可以选择暂时休息,等待大盲轮到自己。
  • 桌上禁止放置饮料。所有食物必须在吧台或指定的餐饮区内食用。
  • 禁止使用个人物品作为护牌器。
  • 筹码不得离开牌桌,除非用作支付小费、购买饮料、食物或按照赌场规定。在用餐休息时,玩家最多可以从筹码堆中取出25元。
  • 用餐时间为45 分钟。 详情请向主管询问。
  • 离开牌桌后,您在1小时内不得以少于离开牌桌的筹码重新加入该牌桌。
  • 口头陈述具有约束力,包括不按顺序发表的口头陈述。
  • 玩家不得提前行动。当玩家越位行动时,该行动是具有约束力的,除非对他们的行动产生变化。
  • 在多路底池牌局进行中不得讨论牌局。
  • 玩家须负责保护自己的手牌。
  • 不允许下边注。
  • 玩家有权无障碍地看到所有玩家的筹码和手牌。
  • 不允许玩家重复参与或更换玩家。
  • 任何时候必须穿鞋。
  • GCCRT 禁止使用淫秽或粗俗语言。任何使用此类语言、发表粗俗、亵渎、淫秽或低俗言论,或对其他玩家或团队成员进行辱骂或恐吓的行为,均不会被容忍。
  • GCCRT 禁止似喝醉或喝醉的人赌博.
  • 扑克经理/主管的决定为最终决定。



  • 爆冷⻔大奖适用于所有限注和无上限的德州扑克现金游戏。
    该手牌必须至少有四 (4) 名活跃玩家加入本局,如下所述。 牌堆上不能有任何异常情况。
  • 底池必须至少 $20.00(包括抽水及爆冷门奖池贡献)。
  • 玩家不得在牌局期间讨论“爆冷⻔”的可能性,如下所述。
  • 赢家和输家的手牌都必须是五 (5) 张牌的最佳组合,并且玩家的两 (2) 张底牌都必须参与比牌。
  • 要有资格参与多场地爆冷门大奖池,玩家必须持有本周的资格手牌或更强的手牌并输掉牌局。当多场地爆冷门大奖被赢得后,最低资格手牌将重置为四条A(AAAAx)。每四(4)周,资格手牌的强度降低一个(1)等级,直到降至四条8(8888x)。一旦降至四条8,资格手牌将保持在此水平,直到大奖被赢取。
  • 对于单场地爆冷门大奖池(不包括 Great Blue Heron 赌场),输牌的手牌必须是四条2或更强的手牌,并且被四条3或更强的手牌击败。玩家必须使用两张底牌,并且在任何四个同牌中必须持有一对。
  • 如果有资格参与多场地爆冷门奖池,参与玩家将同时获得单场地和多场地爆冷门奖池的奖励(如适用)。重置金额将同时为两个奖池提供资金。
  • 玩家赢得爆冷门时必须坐在牌桌并参与手牌的发放。如果玩家没有参与发牌,将没有资格分享爆冷门任何部分。
    • 注意:如果有爆冷门胜出,已弃牌并离开牌桌的玩家仍有资格获得他们应得的份额。
  • 如果玩家将手牌面朝下弃牌,该手牌将被视为无效。如果玩家试图将手牌面朝上弃牌,该手牌将视为有效,符合爆冷门奖池的资格。
  • 在牌局进行中,严禁使用任何电子设备,违规者将被取消参与爆冷门奖池的资格。
  • 多场地奖池和单场地奖池(如适用)的金额每天在下午4点发布并更新。每次赢得爆冷门奖池后的最低重置金额为$100。
  • 当底池达到 20 美元(包括佣金)时,将从底池中扣除最高 1 美元的金额。为了使一手牌有资格获得 Bad Beat Jackpot,底池必须达到 20 美元的最低限额。为了获得大奖,这手牌必须摊牌(玩到最后,所有牌都已发完,玩家已完成下注并亮出他们的牌来确定赢家)。所有被分配到该手牌的玩家都有资格获得 Bad Beat Jackpot。
    1. 如果主底池少于 20 美元,则不会从该底池中扣除 Bad Beat $1。主底池不符合 Bad Beat 的资格。

    2. 如果主底池少于 20 美元,但边池有 20 美元或更多,则 Bad Beat $1 将从边池中扣除。参与边池的玩家有资格获得 Bad Beat。

    3. 如果主底池和边池都少于 20 美元,则不会扣除 Bad Beat $1,玩家不符合 Bad Beat 的资格。如果一名玩家赢得两个底池,且总金额达到或超过 20 美元,则将获得 Bad Beat 1 美元,而参与边池的玩家则有资格获得 Bad Beat。

  • 所有符合资格的玩家在领取奖金时必须出示有效的政府签发的带照片身份证明。根据 AGCO 标准 3.2(2) 被认定为不符合资格的人将无法获得奖金。
  • 在任何情况下,管理层的决定都是最终决定。


  • 每当爆冷门被赢时,当天的标示金额将按照以下方式分配:获得爆冷门的玩家(第二好的牌型)将获得奖池的50%
  • 获胜手牌的玩家将获得奖池的25%
  • 剩余的 25% 将平均分配给该手牌中的参与该牌局的活跃玩家。
  • 限制:每位玩家一 (1) 手牌


  • 请还在等待行动期间,不要讨论牌局。 这不仅是恶劣的扑克礼仪,并还会导致爆冷门大奖无效。
  • 如果有两手牌符合爆冷门资格,则牌面更高的一手为爆冷门的牌型。
  • 如果两张或更多牌桌同时符合爆冷门资格,奖池将在各个牌桌之间平均分配。
  • 如果两个场地宣布多场地爆冷门发生,最终将由两个场地的监控提供的时间来决定哪一个场地赢得主奖,哪一个赢得备用奖。判断依据为牌局结束时的时间,即当爆冷门被认为发生时,最后展示手牌或发出河牌的时间(以较晚者为准)。



  • 奥马哈坏牌大奖适用于所有奥马哈限注和底池限注奥马哈现金游戏。
  • 至少有四 (4) 名活跃玩家参与牌局。牌组不得有任何违规行为。
  • 底池必须为 $20.00(包括佣金和坏牌贡献)或更多。
  • 任何玩家不得在牌局期间讨论“坏牌”的可能性。
  • 获胜和失败的牌都必须是五 (5) 张牌的最佳组合,并且必须使用四张牌中的两 (2) 张底牌。
  • 输牌/获胜的牌必须是四张 A 或更好的牌,被同花顺或更好的牌击败。玩家必须使用两 (2) 张底牌,并且必须持有一对四张牌。
  • 赢得“Bad Beat”牌时,玩家必须坐在牌桌旁并参与发牌。如果玩家没有参与发牌,他们将没有资格获得“Bad Beat”的任何部分。

注意:如果赢得 Bad Beat,弃牌并离开牌桌的玩家仍然有资格获得他们的部分。

  • 如果玩家将手牌面朝下弃牌,则该手牌将被视为死牌。如果玩家试图将手牌面朝上弃牌,则该手牌将被视为活牌,无法获得 Bad Beat 资格​​。
  • 要获得 Bad Beat Jackpot 资格,该手牌必须进行摊牌,玩到最后,所有牌都已发完,玩家已完成下注并摊牌以确定获胜者。
  • 如果玩家在赢得 Bad Beat Jackpot 的一手牌摊牌前将筹码从游戏中移除,则丧失获得任何奖金的权利。
  • 在一手牌中使用电子设备是严格禁止的,否则将导致失去获得 Bad Beat Jackpot 的资格。
  • 所有符合资格的玩家必须出示政府签发的有效带照片身份证件才能获得奖金。任何被认定为不符合 AGCO 标准 3.2(2) 获奖资格的人将不会获得奖金。
  • 在任何情况下,管理决定都是最终决定。

Great Canadian Casino Resort Toronto pledges to provide our patrons with a professional Poker experience, so to respect both players and Team Members, the following behaviour will not be tolerated.

  • Collusion with other players, or cheating of any kind
  • Verbal or physical threats towards players or Team Members
  • Discrimination or harassment
  • Use of any profanity, offensive or obscene language
  • Excessive arguing, shouting or other verbal or physical behaviour deemed to be disturbing
  • Throwing, tearing, bending or any type of abuse of poker cards
  • Destroying or defacing property
  • Refusal to accept final decisions made by the Poker Manager
  • English only is to be spoken at the table while a game is in
  • Cell phones may be used at the table:
    • When a Player has cards, they MUST NOT use their phone.
    • Players may not talk on the phone at the table at any time.
    • Cell phones must be inaudible to others and not cause a disturbance.
    • Players are prohibited from recording/capturing video, photography, or audio.
  • Smart watches cannot be used when a Player has cards.
  • Headphones may be used, but Players are responsible for paying attention to the action:
    • Players may be asked to remove one (1) or both headphones if they cannot follow the action.
  • Players that have missed two (2) Big Blinds will forfeit their seats if there is a waiting list for that game.
  • No Flop No Rake. Minimum $2 rake after the flop.
  • Players MUST table change with their full stack.
  • Table changes must be made immediately – after table changing, Players are considered Existing Players.
  • A Player seat changing must post a Big Blind if they have moved 3 seats (“jumping over” 2 live Players) away from the blinds. If they do not want to post, they can sit out and wait for the Big Blind.
  • When Running It Twice, only the first run is eligible for the Bad Beat Jackpot.
  • No drinks on the table. All food must be consumed at the bar, or in designated dining areas.
  • No personal belongings allowed to be used as a card protector.
  • Chips may not leave the gaming table except to pay the server, purchase drinks/food or prescribed by the House. A maximum of $25 may be taken from a Player’s stack when going on a Meal Break.
  • Meal Break is 45 minutes. See Floor Supervisor for details.
  • After leaving a table, you may not rejoin that table for 1 hour with fewer chips than you left with.
  • Verbal statements are binding, including verbal statements that are out of turn.
  • Players may not play out of  turn. When a Player acts out of turn, that action is binding unless the action to them changes.
  • No discussion of hands in play in multi-handed pots.
  • It is the Player’s responsibility to protect their own hand.
  • Side wagers are not permitted.
  • Players have the right to an unobstructed view of all Players chips and cards.
  • Playing over and Substitute Players is not permitted.
  • Shoes must be worn at all times.
  • GCCRT prohibits the use of obscene or foul language. Using such language, making a foul, profane, obscene, or vulgar statement, or speaking abusively or intimidating to another Player or team member will not be tolerated.
  • GCCRT is prohibited from allowing persons who appear to be intoxicated or who are intoxicated to gamble.
  • The decision of the Poker Pit Manager / Supervisor is final.

The rules of play are intended to create a fair game and to ensure that a Player who makes an error is the one who suffers the consequences. In situations not covered by the rules or where a mechanical following of the rules would be clearly unfair, the House has the discretion to make decisions to ensure a fair game.

To win either Bad Beat Jackpot, the following qualifications MUST be met:
• The Bad Beat Jackpot applies to all cash games of Limit and No Limit Texas Hold ‘Em.
• A minimum of four (4) active players must be dealt in the hand, as described below. There cannot be any Deck irregularities.
• Pot must be $20.00 (including rake and Bad Beat contribution) or more.
• No Players can be discussing the potential of a “Bad Beat” during the hand, as described below.
• Both the winning and losing hand must be the best possible combination of five (5) cards and BOTH of the player’s two (2) hole cards MUST play.
• To be eligible for the Wide Area Bad Beat Jackpot, a player must have the qualifying hand of the week, or a stronger hand, and lose. When the Wide Area Bad Beat Jackpot is won, the minimum qualifying hand resets to quad Aces (AAAAx). Every four (4) weeks, the strength of the qualifying hand decreases by one (1) rank until it reaches quad eights (8888x). Once it reaches quad eights, the qualifying hand remains there until the jackpot is hit again.
• For the Local Bad Beat – excluding GBH- the losing hand MUST be Four-of-a-Kind 2s or better beaten by Four-of-a-Kind threes (3s) or better. Players MUST use BOTH hole cards and MUST hold a pair for any Four-of-a-Kind.
• If qualified for the Wide Area Bad Beat Jackpot, participating players are awarded both the Local and Wide Area Bad Beat Jackpots where available. The reseed amounts fund both jackpots.
• Players MUST be physically sitting at the table and dealt into the hand when the “Bad Beat” hand is won. If the player is not dealt in, they will not be eligible for any portion of the Bad Beat.
Note: A player that has folded and left the table is still eligible for their portion if the “Bad Beat” is won.
• A player who mucks their hand face down, the hand will be considered dead. If the Player attempts to muck face up, the hand will be considered Live for bad beat qualification.
• Use of any electronic devices is strictly prohibited during a hand and will result in disqualification for the Bad Beat Jackpot.
• Amounts for both the Wide Area Jackpot & Local – where available – is posted and updated daily at 4pm. Minimum reseed after either winning Bad Beat is $100.00.
• All qualifying players will be required to show valid government-issued photo ID in order to receive a payout. Anyone identified to be ineligible to win prizes as per AGCO Standard 3.2(2) will not receive payment.
• Under all circumstance’s management decision is final.

• Whenever any “Bad Beat” Jackpot is won, the day’s posted amount will be divided up as follows The Player with the “Bad Beat” (2nd Best Hand) will receive 50% of the Jackpot(s).
• The Player with the winning hand will receive 25% of the Jackpot(s).
• The remaining 25% will be divided up equally amongst the other active players in the hand.
• Limit: one (1) hand per player.

• Please do not discuss hands while there is still action pending. Not only is this bad poker etiquette, but it will also void the Bad Beat Jackpot.
• If there are two hands that qualify for the Bad Beat, the higher ranked hand will be declared the Bad Beat Hand.
• In the event that two or more tables qualify for any Bad Beat Jackpot at the same time, the jackpot will be split equally between each table.
• In the event that two sites report a Multi-destination Bad Beat jackpot, the time – provided by surveillance from both sites – the hands are Tabled, or the River drawn (whichever is last) will determine which site wins the Main, and which wins the Reserve. This timing represents the conclusion of the hand when the Bad Beat is considered to have occurred.



Wide Area Bad Beat Main



Wide Area Bad Beat Seed



Local Bad Beat Main



Local Bad Beat Seed



Local Promotional Funding



Local Fees






Great Canadian Casino Resort Toronto Parking Lot Map

The site layout for Great Canadian Casino Resort Toronto consists of outdoor parking, theatre, restaurant complex, parkade, Expansion Casino, Grandstand Casino, hotel, and racetrack.

Getting Around The Destination

Located along Dance Smartly Blvd, from west to east: The outdoor parking, theatre, restaurant complex, and parkade. The Expansion Casino is situated behind the restaurant complex and is also attached to the parkade. The hotel is located just south of the Expansion Casino. The Grandstand Casino is located at the southwestern part of the property. The racetrack is located at the southernmost part of the property. The poker room is located on level 2 of the Grandstand Casino. Streets labelled along Dance Smartly Blvd. from west to east, with intersections along the north and south: Queen’s Plate Dr., Glorious Song way, Sunny’s Halo Trail. New Providence Trail is located on the southeast of Dance Smartly Blvd.


For parking, approach from the west on Rexdale Blvd. and turn right at the Queen’s Plate Dr. intersection. Outdoor parking will be located on your next available right. For indoor parking, please turn left on Dance Smartly Blvd. and turn right on Sunny’s Halo Trail to access the parkade, as well as Valet. Indoor parking can also be accessed when entering through New Providence Trail by turning right onto Dance Smarlty Blvd. and taking the first left to underground parking garage. Access the Expansion Casino is available via Gate 10 or the Multi-Level Parking Garage.


Drive up to our curbside valet located on Sunny’s Halo Trail, available 24/7 for your convenience. Pick-up and drop-off for passengers and ride sharing are also located on Sunny’s Halo Trail next to the valet, adjacent to the multilevel parkade.

Access to The Theatre

Follow the signs to The Theatre from the underground parking. If arriving from the parkade, The Theatre can be accessed through the gaming floor.For all ages access when arriving from the east entrance (parkade or main entrance), proceed to the hotel lobby elevators to reach level 2. From there, simply follow the signage directing you to the Theatre. Guests of all ages may also enter The Theatre via the west entrance or from the underground parking lot. 

Access to the High Limit Gaming Rooms

Access to the High Limit Slots room can be found directly off the gaming floor on level one of the expansion casino.

Access to the High Limit Table Room can be found through the Grand Stand Casino entrance located on on level three.


Great Canadian Casino Resort Toronto Parking Lot Map



位于 Dance Smartly 大道沿线,从西到东:室外停车场、剧院、餐厅综合体和停车场。 扩建赌场位于餐厅综合体后面,也与停车场相连。 酒店位于扩建赌场的南面。 看台赌场位于酒店的西南部。 赛马场位于该地产的最南端。 扑克室位于 Grandstand 赌场的 2 层。 Dance Smartly Blvd 沿线标记的街道。 从西向东,南北有交叉路口:Queen’s Plate Dr.、Glorious Song way、Sunny’s Halo Trail。 新普罗维登斯步道 (New Providence Trail) 位于 Dance Smartly Blvd 东南部。


如需停车,请从西边的 Rexdale Blvd 停车。 在 Queen’s Plate Dr. 路口右转。 室外停车场位于您下一个可用的右侧。 如需室内停车,请在 Dance Smartly Blvd 左转。 然后在 Sunny’s Halo Trail 上右转即可到达停车场和代客停车处。 通过新普罗维登斯小径 (New Providence Trail) 右转进入 Dance Smarlty 大道 (Dance Smarlty Blvd) 即可进入室内停车场。 并在第一个路口左转至地下停车场。 可通过 10 号门或多层停车场进入扩建赌场。


从地下停车场沿指示牌前往剧院。如果从停车场到达,可从游戏楼层进入剧院。从东侧入口(停车场或主入口)到达时,可乘坐酒店大堂电梯到达 2 层,以方便所有年龄层的游客。从那里,只需按照指示牌的指引即可到达剧院。所有年龄段的客人均可从西入口或地下停车场直接进入剧院。


开车前往位于 Sunny’s Halo Trail 的路边代客泊车处,我们 24/7 全天候为您提供便利。 乘客上下车和拼车服务也位于 Sunny’s Halo Trail 代客泊车处旁边,毗邻多层停车场。

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