Experience the thrill of poker at its finest at River Rock Casino Resort. Our world-class poker room offers exciting games, skilled dealers, and a vibrant atmosphere. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a novice, join the action and test your skills against fellow sharks.
What’s Available

Stay The Night
Rest and relax before or after the game in our integrated hotel and enjoy free Wi-Fi.

Grab A Bite
Our exciting resort offers a variety of delicious dining amenities.

No Worry Wait
Play our Slot Machines and Table Games while you wait to get in the game.
All open and available games are posted on our Great Blue Heron Poker “X” (formerly Twitter) page. Follow along for up to date information.
No Limit Texas Hold’em
With no restrictions on how much you can wager, No Limit Texas Hold’em is a test of nerves, strategy, and skill. Will you go all-in and seize victory, or fold and live to fight another hand?
Offering: 1/3, 2/5, 5/5 and 5/10 No Limit.
Poker Hours
Monday – Thursday: 11AM to 4AM
Open 24 hours on weekend
Friday 10AM – Monday 4AM
find us
River Rock Casino Resort
8811 River Road,
Richmond, BC
V6X 3P8
Get on the List: Register for a Game
Contact the Pit
Call 604-247-8983 to place your name on the list.
Visit in Person
Contact the Poker Supervisor to register.
No-shows will automatically be removed from the system after 8 minutes.

A chance to outwit your opponents and turn an otherwise disappointing hand into a thrilling win.
See FAQs for details
Only available at River Rock Casino Resort.
Available at River Rock Casino Resort and Great Canadian Casino Vancouver.
Poker House Rules
- Talk or action demeaning to staff or players will not be tolerated; throwing cards, name calling and other such uncivilized behaviour will be grounds for suspending or barring any player from the cardroom
- Management reserves the right to make a decision in the spirit of fairness, even if strict interpretation of the rules may indicate a different ruling
- Speaking any language other than English is not permitted while any cards are in play
- Only chips on the table or in transit (playing behind) at the start of a deal shall be in play
- A player may not remove any chips from play until they quit the game; chips on the table may be used to pay for incidental items
- One player per hand; no player shall give or receive advice from another player or spectator
- Cards must be kept in full view at all times; deliberately concealing one’s cards may result in a dead hand
- Players are responsible for protecting their own hand; a player with unprotected hand shall have no recourse should their hand become fouled
- Cards speak; a hand is ranked according to the actual cards, not by the player’s opinion of their holdings
- A player shall show both hole cards in order to be awarded the pot.
- It is player’s responsibility to ensure their hand has lost before discarding their cards
- Show one, show all; any card(s) shown to one player must be shown to all players
- 3rd man Walking – the 3rd player away from the table will be picked up, without notice, if they miss any blinds
- Force Move/No Force Move – Please inquire which system is in use for the game of your choice
- Raises:
- Limit
- Maximum of a bet and 3 raises (unlimited when heads up)
- An all –in bet of less than 50% of a full bet does not re-open
the betting to any player who has already acted - An all-in bet of less than 50% of a full bet may only be
completed by a player who has not acted - An all-in bet of 50% or more of a full bet is sufficient to be considered a full bet for the purpose of a bet & 3 raises
- No Limit – unlimited raises
- No Limit & Pot Limit – An all-in bet of less than a full bet does not re-open the
betting to a player who has already acted (Action only) - Check – Raise is permitted in all games
- Limit
- Verbal declarations in turn are binding; verbal declarations out of turn may be subject to penalty
- Action out of turn will be binding if the action to that player has not changed. A check, call or fold is not considered action changing. If action changes, the out of turn bet is not binding and is returned to the out of turn player who has all options including: calling, raising, or folding. An out of turn fold is binding.
- Exposing cards to any player with a live hand or disclosing (discussing) the contents of one’s hand in an attempt to garner information (tells) or influence another playing (angling) while action remains may, at the supervisor’s discretion, be ruled a dead hand
- Players may not talk on a phone while at the poker table. House rules apply to other forms of electronic devices and electronic communication.
- A player shall have no claim against the house for a faulty decision given in good faith, or an honest error by a dealer or Supervisor
The list of rules is not all inclusive. A full set of Poker Rules may be viewed, upon request, by contacting the Poker Supervisor.
Bad Beat Jackpot General Information
- The Bad Beat shall apply to the game of Texas Hold’em only. “Bad Beat” means a high ranking poker hand that is beat by a higher ranking hand (e.g., Four Eights losing to Four Nines).
- In order for a hand to be eligible to qualify for one of the Bad Beats, the pot must meet a minimum of $20 (house rake is included in the total pot size).
- A minimum of five players must be seated and dealt in at the beginning of the hand in order to qualify for the Bad Beat.
- To qualify for the Local/Super Bad Beat Jackpot, both the winning and losing hands must be the player’s best possible combination of five cards and include both of the player’s two (2) hole cards.
- To qualify for the Local Bad Beat Jackpot, Aces Full of Tens (AAATT) beaten by winner of pot with Four of a Kind or better.
- To qualify for the Super Bad Beat Jackpot: The losing hand must be Four-of-a-kind eights or better, and be beaten.
- The losing hand must be Four-of-a-kind eights or better, and be beaten.
- If the winning or losing player has made a Four-of-a-Kind, that player must have a pocket pair to qualify (example: if a player has four Tens, he/she must have a pocket pair of Tens with two Tens on the board).
- A $1 maximum amount will be removed from the pot when it reaches $20 including the rake. In order for a hand to be eligible for the Bad Beat Jackpot, the pot must meet the $20 minimum. The hand must go to a showdown (played to the end, where all cards have been dealt and players have completed betting and show their cards to determine the winner) in order for the jackpot to be awarded. All players that were dealt into that hand are eligible for the Bad Beat Jackpot.
- If the main pot has less than $20, the Bad Beat $1 is not taken from that pot. The main pot does not qualify for the Bad Beat
- If the main pot has less than $20, but the side pot has $20 or more, the Bad Beat $1 is taken from the side pot. The players involved in the side pot are eligible for the Bad Beat.
- If both the main pot and side pot are less than $20, a bad beat $1 will not be taken, players do not qualify for the Bad Beat. If one player wins both pots, and they add up to $20 or more the Bad Beat $1 will be taken, and the players involved in the side pot qualify for the Bad Beat.